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The following are reviews and testimonials by individual Xtreme Fuel Treatment users.

“We’ve tried it in our Mercedes Benz with V8 engine. It only gets 13.1 miles per gallon without the fuel treatment. But after the first treatment with XFT, the miles per gallon increased to 15.95 MPG (miles per gallon). It even got better after the second treatment with 17.75 miles per gallon. And it keeps increasing the more you use the product, because after the third treatment it goes high to 18 MPG. The product really works!” – Phil R., Vermont USA

“I have been so blessed at this time in my life to find a great product, the best timing, and a great team to support me in building my business with Syntek. I know I can achieve anything I put my mind to, and this opportunity only comes along once in a lifetime. So I’m grabbing on for dear life!!!!” – Toni Stevens

“I have owned a 1998 Expedition since new and know every shake, rattle, and roll. I also know that I get anywhere from 10 to 12 miles per gallon depending on what I am hauling. After being able to drop octane from 89 to 85 and filling up my tank with 28 gallons I was astonished to realize that had I got 14.4 miles per gallon. WOW!! I can hardly wait for the next application.” – Al Barker

“Since using Xtreme Fuel Treatment we have not had any failures in injector pumps or injectors. We use generators in pre-Olympic events and TV sporting events. In the 2002 Winter Olympics we were using 875 gallons of diesel fuel per day and after using XFT our fuel consumption dropped to 675 gallons of fuel per day. We have had generators come to us form other parts of the country that were not running real well. We added a double dose of Xtreme Fuel Treatment and within several hours the generators began running smoother. This is a great product that I recommend to everyone.” – Dave P., GE Rentals – Salt Lake City, UT

“I started using Syntek’s Xtreme Fuel Treatment when I left Yuma Arizona in April 2008. I have a 2002 Chevy Tahoe and have traveled 2,089 miles in two months and have increased my MPG from 16 to 21. That’s over 100 extra miles per tank. When I fill up it costs me just $2.80 to use Xtreme Fuel Treatment every time I add 1/4 oz. to 20 gallons of gas. That means I save over $24.00 with each fill-up. What a savings, since gas in Oregon is $4.19 to $4.39 a gallon. I have also seen that the car is running better and has more power on hills.” 

– Delores R.
Christmas Valley, Oregon

“On December 1, 2008 I went to get my emissions test done for my 1997 Acura Integra and I failed the smog. The emissions technician as well as my mechanic told me that I needed to replace the catalytic converter, which would cost me $1,400 dollars. I was in a bad financial position at that time and could not afford to replace the part. Four months later, a good friend introduced me to Xtreme Fuel Treatment. On my very first tank I felt that there was more power and I saw an improvement of 70 miles on that tank of gas as well. I was hoping that my emissions had improved also, so I went back to test my emissions again after ONLY using the product. Not taking the advice of my smog guy and my mechanic and replacing my catalytic converter. The emissions tester asked if I replaced the catalytic converter and I told him I had not, but used Xtreme Fuel Treatment. He rolled his eyes and suggested that I shouldn’t waste my money doing the test until I had replaced the part but I was so confidant that my car would pass I went ahead with the test. It passed the smog and the technician could not believe that all I used was the additive. Not only did I pass with flying colors but I also saved myself $1,400 dollars.” – Justin Murphy

“Since my first use of Xtreme Fuel Treatment I have been getting an extra 60 miles per tank! XFT is saving my wife and I over $10.00 with every fill up. I would recommend using Xtreme Fuel Treatment to anyone.” – James M., Salt Lake City, UT

“I have been using the Syntek fuel additive Xtreme Fuel Treatment in my 1999 Dodge D350 truck in the last three tanks of fuel. The fuel mileage has increased by 2 mpg and the performance has also improved. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who is fuel conscious and wants to increase performance of the vehicle.” – Tony G. Idaho Falls, ID

“I have been driving a Trailblazer for over 4 years and never once has my mileage gone over 300 miles per tank. After using Xtreme Fuel Treatment my mileage jumped up to 365 per tank. I have even gotten up to as high as 445 mpg on highway driving. This increase in mileage and the ability to use the lower cost octane saves me an average of $13.00 per fill up. I got my family and friends to also use XFT and they are experiencing similar results.” – Mary N. Sandy, UT

“I believe!!! I heard about Xtreme Fuel Treatment from several friends and how they witnessed increased gas mileage in their vehicles. They also claimed that they could use lower octane. I decided to dump some in my 1998 Expedition. I have owned this vehicle since new and know every shake, rattle, and roll. I also know that I get anywhere from 10 to 12 miles per gallon depending on what I am hauling. After dropping octane from 89 to 85 and filling up my tank with 28 gallons I was astonished to realize that I had got 14.4 miles per gallon. WOW!! I can hardly wait for the next application.” – Al B. Sandy, UT

Picture I have a 1991 Honda Accord sedan with 300,000 miles on the odometer. I am a traveling sales guy living in Los Angeles. I think this car has one of world’s most efficient engines. I take very good of the car; using only 89 Octane gasoline and maintain the engine religiously. Over the past 100K miles, I began to notice a dropping in MPG from 28-32 MPG down to 22-24 MPG. I have since used three half oz. treatments of Xtreme Fuel Treatment. I am amazed to report that I am back at 26-28 MPG. Again, I have not altered any driving pattern. Like everyone in LA, I am stuck in traffic half of the time while I am in the car. I am not a scientist, but I do keep a detailed record on all of the gasoline purchased and the mileage. I am saving over 12% on my MPG and another .10 cents per gallon at the pump because I now can use 87 Octane with the same results as 89. This is an amazing product!”

– Alex L.
Los Angeles, CA

“We decided to do a test on the fuel consumption between the trucking side and construction side of our company. The test result using Xtreme Fuel Treatment were shocking, doing the same amount of work load if not more, we purchased 15% less fuel than the previous months. Our trucks were topping the “Three Sisters” hills on I-80 with 2 more gears than ever before and the trucks went from 5.6 miles per gallon to 7.2 miles per gallon after just one month.” – Bill Oilfield Service – Wyoming

“Piston No. 2 was overhauled by the crew during dry docking. The total running hours since last overhaul was 11,253. The total running hour on the piston was 17,318. The following was observed: All rings were moving freely and were in good condition. No carbon deposits below first ring. Combustion space was remarkably clean and tops of piston crown were dry. The service engineer stated that he had never seen a piston and rings in such a good condition after more the 11,000
hours and suggested that we should increase the maintenance interval by using the combustion catalyst, burn rate modifier and lubricant (Xtreme Fuel Treatment). We have observed 40-50% less soot and 30% less sludge. Another side effect is less emissions and hence a cleaner environment which is increasingly focused on today.” – RL Shipping Texas

“I own a 2000 PeterBilt 379 with a 550 hp Cat. I have been disappointed in the average fuel mileage of 4.7 mpg. Since using Xtreme Fuel Treatment my mileage has increased to between 5.7 and 6.2 mpg. Being an owner-operator, the rising cost of fuel reduces profits. This product is saving me $$ every day.” – Chuck Jacksonville, FL

“When using Xtreme Fuel Treatment in our large trucks we have experienced fuel mileage increases from .5 up to 1.5 mpg. At a time when fuel prices are going higher and higher, this is critical to the trucking industry. In addition, I used a sample of Xtreme Fuel Treatment in my leaf blower and the smoke cleared up and it starts better.” – Bill General Manager

Historical fuel data tests conducted at Sunshine: “First, a miles per gallon baseline was compiled, then the Xtreme Fuel Treatment product was introduced into the #2 diesel storage tanks. Both the miles per gallon and gallons per hour were recorded. An average overall increase in miles per gallon of 14.1% was obtained. The other major concern is regarding environmental issues. We are pleased to state that Xtreme Fuel Treatment provides the safest, most cost effective pollution control technology available.”– Sunshine

“I have been using Xtreme Fuel Treatment in my 2004 4-cylinder Honda Accord for about 9 months. On a recent 250 mile round trip to Indianapolis, Indiana, I got 36.7 MPG. The trip was primarily Interstate driving. The best mileage that I have ever got on that trip is about 31.5 MPG. The car also runs smoother and quieter. I have also noticed that the oil is not black at my 3,000 mile oil changes. It is still amber in color. This is a great product and does exactly was Syntek Global claims it will do.” – Marshall Lipscomb

“Using Xtreme Fuel Treatment has lowered our fuel consumption greatly, in fact, by 15% per year – a significant savings. My biggest savings, that was unexpected, came in the form of labor costs. Buses get extremely black on the rear door from diesel residue. To remove the black, we were spending $14.50 per week per bus for cleaning ($7.25 per hour per driver times 2 washes per week) or approximately $106,000.00 per year. Since using Xtreme Fuel Treatment, we only need to wash the buses once every other month. This has created a saving in excess of $95,000.00 per year.” 

– Supervisor of Vehicle Maintenance
School District of Florida

 “I have been using Xtreme Fuel Treatment for my last four fill ups. I have upgraded my mpg from 20.2 to 26.3. What’s even better, my car is running with the power it use to have when I purchased it 5 years ago. I would definitely recommend Xtreme Fuel Treatment to all my friends.”
– Marissa S. Glendale, AZ

“I ran across Syntek’s Xtreme Fuel Treatment from a 10-15 year acquaintance Richard “DICK” King of Larned, Kansas and a mechanic Gary Carlson, of Carlson Motors. Dick has a Mercury Montego car (smaller then our Mercury Grand Marquis), and he used to get 400 miles per tank full, and after using XFT for a month or so, he got up to over 500 miles per tank full, and when he told me that over the phone, I accused him of pouring alcohol in the tank….and he was driving his way to Hays when he made the comment. When he arrived here at my home and I got to see and read a GE testimonial letter dealing with 2002 USA Winter Olympics out near Salt Lake City (or Park City, Utah) and the TWO GE generators were used to using some 875 gallons of DIESEL per day to keep the power on for US Olympics 24/7, and then just one week after using Xtreme Fuel Treatment, the per day usuage went down to 650 gallons. GULP…Zing, Zang, Bingo, Bongo with elation, and that got my sincere attention, as I could car less how much the PRICE was per gallon on Diesel, saving some 225 gallons of fuel per day would be at least $450 dollars per day if it was only $2.00/gallon back then. Today, here in Hays, Diesel is some $2.70 per gallon currently, and regular unleaded is $2.47-$2.49 per gallon.

My Xtreme Fuel Treatment usage started in February of 2009 and one of the first things I noticed was the engine in the car performed much better….no problems before, but I noticed a quicker picker upper…more bounce in the step…. acceleration from 20….to 30….to 40…quicker, faster, smoother…and I was enjoying that experience. Now, I only put 1/4 oz. in the 18 gallon tank to begin with, and my wife took it on a week long trip that was only 125 miles from Hays. When she called me prior to return trip, she said over the phone that the computer read out on the dash said she could drive 160 miles before empty and she wondered if she needed to fill up with fuel in Cimarron, Kansas prior to driving back to Hays. I said NO….you only have to drive some 125 miles and if you feel uncomfortable, fill up with fuel at LaCrosse (30 miles away from Hays), but she drove all the way and put it in the garage for the night. Early the next AM, I got into car, started it, and the Dash Computer said we could drive some 89 miles before empty. My wife said the car could go 160 miles, and she actually drove 125, and it said the next AM that we could still drive some 89 miles….and that messed with my MATH skills…. when I filled up, added the proper amount of XFT, we had increased our MPG by 5 miles per gallon, and that was right at 30% improvement. It’s kept getting better ever since as end of May on family wedding trip to Lincoln, Nebraska from Hays and back, the fill up then said we could drive some 413 miles before empty and that was the first time EVER that our car said any figure over 300 miles to empty. Since then, it’s registered 426, and the latest miles to empty indicated 433 miles…and that was at the end of July, 2009 . When we only have exclusive intown driving, it dipped once to 386 in between those two great numbers mentioned, but that is our story over a 4-5 months of religious habit of using Xtreme Fuel Treatment, and we are sold on the benefits when it comes to more miles per gallon….and we absolutely know it’s helping the life and performance of the engine as well. That’s our story, and we are sticking to it.” – Larry D. Jantz

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