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If you’re like most, getting your hands on the latest and greatest products this industry has to offer is what this hobby is all about. Recently, we got a chance to catch up with Royal Purple during the 2012 SEMA show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Though Royal Purple is most notably known for their cutting-edge motor oil products, including gear and ATF transmission fluid, Royal Purple couldn’t wait to hand us their new fuel treatment product. Max-Clean is a state-of-the-art fuel system treatment that cleans injectors, restores fuel economy and reduces both engine buildup and tailpipe emissions.

Max-Clean’s proprietary technology targets both the intake system and combustion chamber and is effective on the entire spectrum of engines on the road, whether they are new or old, gasoline or diesel, naturally aspirated, turbocharged or supercharged. After multiple product fleet tests were conducted on various makes and models of vehicles, Royal Purple found that after as little as one treatment Max-Clean can:

  • Improve fuel economy an average of 3.2-perecent

  • Increase horsepower an average of 2.6-percent
  • Reduce hydrocarbon, NOx and CO emissions (on average 12, 13 and 18-percent respectively)
  • Prevent rough idle, hesitation and stalling
  • Prevent premature spark plug fouling
  • Reduce deposit-related engine knocking and pinging

Deposit build-up is a natural consequence of fuel combustion. Unfortunately, these deposits can have a significant effect on the performance and reliability of your engine. With Max-Clean, Royal Purple has developed a product that in most cases can bring engine surfaces back to like-new clean, restoring once-lost fuel economy and performance.

For more on what the Royal Purple line has to offer your current vehicle, be sure to head on over to the Royal Purple website for additional information.